Monday, December 29, 2008

Other People

We talk a lot about "other people" in our house. Usually it is pertaining to the reality that no matter how much we like to think we are just doing our own thing in life, the truth of the matter is that what we do affects other people. So we ponder things in relationship to this is this going to affect other people?

Today the boys got a great life lesson in how the opposite is just as true. What other people do affects US. It started out all good. The guys were on the pirate ship ride at Busch Gardens. You know, the one that goes back and forth and eventually turns all the way around in complete circles. You can tell by the look on their faces that they can totally conquer this ride. Or something like that.

The one who loves attention spots Mom with the camera! Hi Mom!

Those of us below are saying oh look, they are having so much fun!

Here they go all the way upside down! I bet they are loving this!

Wait a minute, Austin looks....scared??? sad??? sick???

Uh oh...something is not right! It seems when the person in the row in front of you is puking every single time the ship goes upside down...that is just no fun. Because their vomit sprays all over you! Ewwwwwww! Remind me to never, ever go on pirate ships. Thanks to other people, I will just stay on the ground thank you very much! Some life lessons are just harder on us while we learn them than others. Living the life in fun Florida!

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