Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dundee New York from My Window

We are all recovering from whatever physical ailments we have, and we are all recovering from visiting with family. We have found the longer we live on the road, the harder it is to visit people when we are in an area. We just move at a different pace than the rest of the world so it is tiring to jump back into that normal pace of life. We selfishly just wish they'd all join us on the road, but since that doesn't seem likely we will just have to figure out how to deal with this in a way that allows for us to soak up time with them without it draining us so much.

We have now landed in Reading Center, New York for about ten days. We are here to do a job. This is our fourth official job and I think we are getting the hang of it. Nathan is doing incredibly well with his end. Some days I tag along with him, just to get out and see the area and so I can have time with him. Today was one of those days.

This area is really pretty. But then again, I say that everywhere we go. We are on one of the finger lakes so it is green rolling hills, huge lakes and vineyards. The little towns are older towns and are adorable to me. Here are some shots of one of the towns here named Dundee.

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