Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fender Fantasies

[image from]

I am choosing fenders for Marianne, my Motobecane mixte. Pictured above are my dream fenders: extra long fluted Honjos from Velo Orange. Look at those stylish art deco tips at the ends! These are like installing a piece of artwork on your bicycle.

[image from]

The alternative and more economical choice, are these Velo Orange (not Honjo) plain polished stainless steel fenders. I am on the fence regarding this choice. The fluted Honjos are breath-taking, but the plain VOs look just fine. Maybe the fluted ones are too elaborate? There is also the size difference: The fluted are 43mm and the plain are 45mm. My tires are 31.75mm wide. Are the plain ones too wide?

[image from]

Of course, when I mention my fender choice, the usual response is "What! You're not getting the hammered Honjos? Get the hammered Honjos!" Am I the only person with a bicycle who does not want hammered Honjo fenders?

The Co-Habitant has just installed hammered Honjos (from Harris Cyclery) on his Miles, and they do look marvelous (he has not trimmed the stays yet, but that will be done soon). The hammered look is an interesting aesthetic, just not for me.

Oh, and FYI: regardless of which you choose, installing these things is not for the faint hearted!

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