I am choosing fenders for Marianne, my Motobecane mixte. Pictured above are my dream fenders: extra long fluted Honjos from Velo Orange. Look at those stylish art deco tips at the ends! These are like installing a piece of artwork on your bicycle.
The alternative and more economical choice, are these Velo Orange (not Honjo) plain polished stainless steel fenders. I am on the fence regarding this choice. The fluted Honjos are breath-taking, but the plain VOs look just fine. Maybe the fluted ones are too elaborate? There is also the size difference: The fluted are 43mm and the plain are 45mm. My tires are 31.75mm wide. Are the plain ones too wide?
Of course, when I mention my fender choice, the usual response is "What! You're not getting the hammered Honjos? Get the hammered Honjos!" Am I the only person with a bicycle who does not want hammered Honjo fenders?

Oh, and FYI: regardless of which you choose, installing these things is not for the faint hearted!
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