Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mt. Baker, ColemanDeming

Our season opener was a ski/snowshoe climb of Mt. Baker. Snow blocked the road about 2 miles from the trailhead. Doug, Dan, Pete, Jim and Mark about to hit the trail.

The weather was warm and the snow was soft. Jim, Pete and Dan snowshoeing and skinning up to camp.

Mark skinning up the ski approach.

Our camp at 6,100'. Mt. Baker in the background.

Jim above Colfax Peak and Pumice Ridge.

Mark climbing the final 1,000'

Jim on the summit.

Doug on the summit

Mark about to ski from the summit to the road

Huge blocks of ice calving off of Colfax Peak

Jim almost back to the trailhead.

Now it's time to plan our next climb!

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