Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crabfest at Camp Hatteras

Tonight we gathered with our co-workers and had a crabfest with them. I think this might be somewhat of a yearly tradition here, but I'm not sure of that since this is our first year here. Camp Hatteras provided the crabs and other people brought side dishes. I didn't eat any of the side dishes because I stuffed myself with crab instead.

I've never eaten crab like this, meaning crab I had to work for. It was a really neat thing to learn how to do it. It was well worth it because the crab was fabulous!

Jack was the chef and the seasoning he used was just perfect. We have really enjoyed our time here so far. Not only is the location wonderful, the people are really great. The time is flying by and I think it's because we are having so much fun.

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