Monday, February 3, 2014

Dry pasta vegie alla diavola

Dinner for tonight Friday 21 August...

Ingredients: spaghetti, ground beef (wee bit), courgette, onions, mushrooms, green paprika, tomatoes, pasta alla diavola herb-spices, parsley, garlic, capers, parmigiano-reggiano... to season: balsamic vinegar, paprika, pepper, salt, olive oil.

My own version of what a pasta should be -- loaded with vegetables and very little meat! I use the pasta alla diavola spices and replaced the tomato sauce with just olive oil. Give me dry pastas anytime. Seriously Dutchman and I have been eating this same pasta dish for straight 3 days already!

So I'm looking at a busy weekend: Major cleanup of our 3rd bedroom which I'm using as my walk in closet,... visiting a Home & Garden center (searching for Eucalyptus),... lunch with a friend in Scheveningen beach in Den Haag (I am ordering Fruits de Mer!),... and dinner at home with the Dutch family (I'm cooking! Menu: Gambas green salad; Pasta Genovese w/ courgette, paprika and peas; Greek yoghurt w/ honey, walnuts and dates).

These are actually my updates in Facebook and I've had an interesting discussion there about Italians eating pasta as a primi, meaning first course and not as a second or main course. If that's the case I wouldn't last after a primi.

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