Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Estate of Jacob Switzer :: Notes Due the Estate

There were three men (actually four, another has been found) with the name of Jacob Switzer who resided in Columbiana County, Ohio during the 1805-1860 time period. This estate file is for the Jacob Switzer who is my 4th great-grandfather and who married first Catherine Brinker (in 1811, the mother of his children) and second Leathy Bricker (in 1853). Jacob died on November 2, 1859.

The data in this document goes across two pages. Rather than transcribe the full document I'm listing the name of the debtor, how the debt was secured, and appraised value. In addition to this information, the document includes the date the debt was incurred and the original amount of the debt. There are also some comments in the wide column in the second page. The appraisers were Simon Orter, David Bricker, and John Stewart

Text within square brackets [ ] has been added to indicate words that were difficult to read.


name of the debtor

Thomas McCoy & Son

Barbary Manaweck

Daniel Deemer

Jacob Manaweck

Jacob Yarian

John Crawl

Samuel Sweitzer

Daniel Deemer

J. B. Preston

Daniel Deemer

Jacob Manaweck

Samuel Betz

George W. Axel

James Miller

Samuel Switzer

Henry & John Roose

Simon Seachrist

Samuel Hardman

Ann Worman

how secured







[????] bill





Note & Mortgage

Note & Mortgage

Note & Mortgage

Note & Mortgage

Note & Mortgage

Book a/c


Book a/c

appraised value39.14112.001000.00113.62100.0028.8059.95129.3741.77109.52109.50123.68933.1559.82621.90578.4210.00Worthless8.00$4178.64

Notes Due the Estate of Jacob Switzer. Nov. 11th 1859.Probate Packet 4962. Columbiana County, Ohio.

Notes Due the Estate of Jacob Switzer. Nov. 11th 1859.Probate Packet 4962. Columbiana County, Ohio.

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