Saturday, August 17, 2013

Some Hopeful Non-Resolutions

I don't know about you, but New Year's resolutions never seem to work for me - my resolve melting away with winter's first snowman. So doing away with the futile ardor of determination, I instead put forth some hopes for this brand-new year:

In I hope to...

. learn to mount and dismount a bicycle "properly",

.complete my first "century" (100 mile) ride,

. go on my first multi-day trip by bike,

. cycle in Ireland (where I am likely to be in March),

. finally stage some bicycle photoshoots in our studio,

. finish and give away (yes, give away!) my "roadbike for ladies",

. do a good job on myBella Ciaoproject,

. have a chance to work on other interesting projects, and

. continue Lovely Bicycle on a close-to daily basis - rain or shine!

Of course, that's only the bicycle stuff, and there are many personal hopes as well. But somehow the bike stuff is easier to focus on - maybe because it is so specific, and at the same time, relatively detached from the stresses of "real life". It is funny that several readers have told me now, that they get the impression I am an organised person from reading the blog. In reality, my world is almost comically disorganised and chaotic. So perhapsLovely Bicycle is my "wishful thinking" manifestation of how I'd like things to be. Is it time to get my life in order and really focus, as I am able to focus here? Maybe. Or at least something worth considering.What about you and your hopes - or, dare I say, resolutions - for ?

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