Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The snow aftermath in the French Alps

Snow continued to fall the whole day and until into the evening on our last day in the French Alps. We survived the almost 3 hours torment under freezing temperatures of fitting the snow chains on the car’s tires. Halellujahs in order!

Sadly,the ski holiday is coming to an end. Our last night at the chalet hotel was actually very nice. We had drinks at the bar followed with some soup with our new found acquaintances, then we moved to our tables and a 3-course dinner was served. The whole evening was spiced up with lively conversations and laughs. All in all it was a great closing of the holiday with great company. Meanwhile, snow kept falling outside and we were a bit worried about the aftermath, mainly because the next day is our departure day back to the Netherlands.

After breakfast in the morning we packed up and when we went outside... oh dear, look at what we have found: the car totally snowed in! lol

Thus, shovelling ensued! I thought it was fun. But before we started shovelling the snow, Dutchman and I took pictures of the snow aftermath, of our surroundings in Le Crey.

Ah, Le Crey and its surroundings was a lovely sight that morning. So pure, so immaculate, so pristine. It was just so beautiful. I did not want to leave right away!

Here are the pictures we took, starting with the scenes at the back of the chalet hotel early in the morning:

The chalet hotel:

Ploughing the snow:

Views from the chalet hotel:

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