I found out what you give for the 70th- platinum,(platinum what I don't know) but the seventy-second has me stumped. Yes, the parents made it to another anniversary today, even though it was touch and go when Dad insisted on not calling a plumber the last 3 weekends at the beach...and all the times the plane tickets for Greece have been changed was a challenge. I thought it was pretty exciting when the trash can literally blew its lid since no one got hurt. And the lifetime supply,vat-sized peanut butter that Dad dragged home from Costco never fails to dismay Mom. But all this is pretty minor compared to the rock hard cement of love that binds these two. I think somebody ought to write a country songabout these two-maybe on a Greek bouzouki to get the culture clash aspect down. (remember it's Mississippi Meets Athens)
And while we wait, let me just add that I know I speak for many people when I say that Bebe and George have been and continue to be an inspiration to all who know them.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
(Photo taken this month in front of their first house on Dix Street NE)
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