Monday, October 17, 2011

Storing It for You

Storing it for YouSometimes readers find it hard to believe when I describe being approached by random people who will comment about my bikes or cycling technique - especially to express concern or give advice. I wonder what you'll make of this note I found zip tied to a pole outside of a Starbucksthis morning.

Storing it for You
You didn't lock your bike, so I'm storing it for you. If you want it back, leave your name & number with the Starbucks folks and I'l call you
I am thinking it reads kind of like a ransom note. Can't quite decide whether this is a good deed, or someone not minding their own business. I mean, what if the cyclist left it unlocked intentionally - hoping to get it stolen and buy a shiny new bike with the insurance payoff? I suppose the note could also be an innovative way to get a love interest's number. Or a secret communication channel for spies.Nothing to do with me or my bikes, but an example of what's within the realm of possibilities here in Boston.

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