Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy (Another) Thanksgiving!

We drove down to Fort Lauderdale to spend the day with our kids. We have missed them so much. We were so happy to see Ambir. We were sad that we did not see Aric and Ashleigh today. We had a great time together, with those of us who were there.

There is nothing I am more grateful for on this earth than my family. While I've struggled at times to figure out the kind of Mom I want to be and then doing it, I have never struggled with loving these beautiful, amazing people. They have been one of the biggest inspirations of my life. I love taking pictures of them because I do love them so much.

It's nice that they are old enough to not fight for the most part, so I can enjoy them enjoying each other.

And since I was feeling sad over not seeing my grandkids today, I took a ton of pictures of the grandpups instead. The newest baby is Ambir's puppy Cairo and he's a doll.

Seriously, this is the most adorable face I've seen in awhile:

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who we did not get to spend today with. We love you all.

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