Monday, August 23, 2010

Cooking With Pioneer Woman

One of my favorite Christmas gifts this year was Pioneer Woman's cookbook. I was inspired by Julie and Julia to cook my way through a cookbook, but figured The Art of French Cooking might be a bit daunting to me at this point so I am tackling PW's cookbook instead. If I make it through this, I am going to buy the matched set of The Art of French Cooking!

So far, every recipe I've tried from her cookbook has been very good. Just a few pictures of some of the goodies we've sampled. BBQ Jalapeno Poppers on the grill (alongside of some Carne Asada):

Fresh and colorful Pico de Gallo which we have been making for years now:

and PW's potato skins:

And this has nothing to do with PW's cookbook, but I also tried these for the Pickleball Tournament and New Year's eve party and they were fabulous too:

Since it's sooooooo cold here right now, I think I'm going to stick to the hearty, fill your belly with warm food dishes for the next few days.

Living the life in chilly Florida!

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