Thursday, February 26, 2009

You need a chauffeur in Dubai

Especially during the summer months!

I arrived in Dubai in the middle of the night and the weather was a very warm 36C -- Yes, this is the temperature at midnight. I was already worried what the temperature will be like during the day. Obviously in the soaring 40's!

The record I think that I experienced was 45C, and I can tell you, Dubai in the summer months is like hell. It is a sweltering infierno and insanely humid. Water in the form of fog hangs in the air. It is futile to capture a clear sykline of Dubai because of this. Moreover, it is impossible to stand or walk outside for 5 minutes. Not even for 2 minutes! Walking under a covered walkway will make you sweat buckets. You need a chauffeur to bring you around otherwise you will melt!

Above picture is my chauffeur from my hotel. He's got a brand new Lexus, some parts of the car are still covered in plastic even. I have also used the normal taxi service from the streets but I have used him (the hotel chauffeur) twice.

If you do not have a car or cannot drive, you need to be driven around in Dubai. There is the metro available as well but I am not familiar with it and its impossibly hot outside to be walking to and fro the metro. Like I said, I almost melted! lol

Here are a few more pictures during my take off:

I flew with Emirates on an A380 (spacious and high tech)... and the picture above is the entrance to the first class cabins. Unfortunately I am flying coach which is not bad either because the seats were spacious enough. There are advantages when you are small hehe. Now I promised the Dutchman that I will take pictures of the A380, and this is so far the best that I can get. Much to the chagrin of many passengers including me, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport did not open the blinds at the gate area. There was no way we could take a good picture of the plane, but fortunately I managed to catch this shot before boarding in the tube's from its small window.

Flight Amsterdam to Dubai is approximately 6 hours 45 +- minutes.

The picture below is just before 1 o'clock in the morning when I arrived in Dubai enroute to my hotel. As you can see, Dubai is very much alive, but the question remains: Where are all these people going to after midnight? A Ramadan thing?

Interestingly at the Dubai Airport they have 'Pink Taxis' with a female driver specially available for the ladies. I do not mind riding a taxi with a male driver, but at the airport they automatically gave me a pink taxi with a lady driver. The taxis are coloured pink obviously and the lady drivers are dressed as well in pink. Cute, although pink is not a favourite colour of mine.

Different country, different religion, different rules. Fine with me.

On other news, I am in Singapore right now and my sleeping pattern is a total wreck =(

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